Shop Local! Local discounts for local people
Benefit from local discounts for just £1.99 a year
Sign up today! For just £5.97 you’ll recieve a membership card valid for 3 years.
order your card hereTo make the most of your local discounts you will need to prove your membership to the Charity Champion Card scheme. Our local partners may ask you to provide a driving license or other photo ID alongside your Charity Champion Card.
Check out what our local partners have to offer
Enter your town or postcode to find local partners near you.
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Pre-loaded store cards
Load up your store card each month, use it for your shopping and raise hundreds of pounds for local charities and community groups right across the UK.
Its so simple – You recieve 100% of the value AND local charities and community groups benefit – everyone wins

Get your store card today! It costs nothing to help

Raise up to 4% for charity
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Raise up to 6% for charity
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Raise up to 3% for charity
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